Cardio Z

Instant Z-Scores For All The Paediatric Cardiology Parameters You Review Everyday. Cardio-Z creates a summary of all z-scores for each patient, which can then be saved, e-mailed or printed. Simple, reliable and time-saving.

Cardio Z

Cardiac Structures

The Cardio Z App calculates z-scores for many cardiac structures. These include valves (tricuspid / mitral / aortic / pulmonary), cardiac chambers (LV, RV and LA dimensions) and vessels (pulmonary artery and its branches). The full range of structures for which z-scores are generated depends upon the reference data selected. Aorta measurements are found in their own subsection.

Cardiac structure z-scores derived from the data of Pettersen et al (2008) (‘Detroit’)

Cardiac structure z-scores derived from the data of Zilberman et al (2005) (‘Cincinnati’)

Cardiac structure z-scores derived from the data of Daubeney et al (1999) (‘Wessex’)

All the references use slightly different measurement points throughout, and detailed diagrams are always instantly available to facilitate accurate comparisons to the reference data.

Cardio Z

Cardio Z is $6.99 (£4.99). You can get it from the App Store.

The Clinicians we work with use it everyday. We hope you will too.